"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

02 July 2010

Jam Day

There's nothing better than homemade Oregon strawberry & raspberry jam. We couldn't keep Riley away from the raspberries! We had just taught her the sign for 'more' and I'd say she used it about 50 times while pointing up to the countertop upon which she knew the raspberries sat. Between Riley and Ryan, I did just as much shooing as I did stirring!

I started with some beautiful berries from the Farmers' Market.

And 2 each of canning pots and jam-making pots.

And with my mom's help made 27 jars of beautiful jam.

We've already lathered it on homemade sourdough (on top of a thick layer of butter, of course). Oh yummmmmmmmm.


  1. Oh my mouth is watering...you should share a simple jamming recipe/procedure for those of us who are still intimidated!
