"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

01 September 2010

Day 3

It's Day 3 of my new stay-at-home motherhood. It has not been without internal conflict. While I am truly happy with my decision, I also miss my teaching job. But here's a few beautiful things I would have missed were I at school - Riley laying her head on my slipper for a little snuggle when she got tired because the fabric feels like her sleeping blanket. Her putting tennis balls under the couch because she thought it was hilarious when I put my head to the ground to look for them. Her tickling my feet when she wanted attention. These lovely little things make me quickly forget about my 6th graders, who, while amazing people, are much less adorable then my little 14-month-old. It's been a gift to be with her so much lately. Love her!


  1. I hope that this transition continues to prove a good one. You are doing a great job.

  2. Thanks Marianne. It's certainly not, at you know, without ups and downs. But they're much more personal ups and downs that those of the classroom. It's really been a gift so far.
