"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

13 August 2010


11:30 Riley wakes up from her nap. We hear the little cooing noises we enjoy so much.
11:35 We go in to get her and realize that, for the first time, she's taken off her own diaper. Unfortunately, she also pooped ... after she took the diaper off. She has poop all over her hands. There is poop all over her sheets.
11:35-11:40 We try delicately to take off her dress and walk her (one of us holding her and one holding her arms to keep her hands away from her face) to the bathtub.
11:40 We realize the lightbulb in our bathroom had burnt out. Ryan had to bring in a lamp.
11:40-11:50 We realize most of the poop is pretty dry. Did our daughter take her whole nap with poop on her hands? I guess so. We try to figure out how to wash her off without filling the whole bathtub with poopy water and without getting poop all over ourselves.
11:50 Our child is, once again, poop-free and happy. I guess we'll have to make sure she always sleeps in bloomers from now on.


  1. oh my. I really have no words except to say that parenthood is never dull.

  2. I think this is one of those "you know you're a parent when...." moments. A tightly fitting onesie is my trick.

  3. oh my.. haha.. i can barely handle dogsitting without having a panic attack with all the responsibilities. i have so much respect for all the moms across the world who make it a full time job to love their child and take care of them.. i don't know if I'll ever be able to see myself in that role and doing it right. the thought delights me and terrifies me. especially when i think what if my child is LIKE ME when it's little.. oh lord..
