"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

26 February 2010

A Day at Home

There is no school today and I'm at home with my babe. At the moment, she's squealing like a little piglet, alternating the squeal with her other favorite sound, the pucker spit, which showers the area in baby saliva. I didn't realize how much I would like just hanging out with her for the day. We're going to swim, run errands, take naps (her), prep some food for the weekend (me), and roll around on the ground and make funny noises together. I'm looking forward to it.
Hope you have/had a fun day too!


  1. Jen, Riley is one of the most beautiful baby girls I've EVER seen. And I've seen my share of babies :) Hope you had a fabulous day together!

  2. Oh thanks Alisha. She is pretty cute, huh? She's a pretty mellow and easy baby too (most of the time). I don't know how we got that lucky, but I'm sure glad we did :)
    And we had a lovely day, thanks. Hope your day was lovely too :)
