"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

04 February 2010

Travel Memories

So I guess I've been to 12% of the countries in the world. Just looking at the map, memories flood back. It's interesting how a lot of them have to do with food ... Greek moussaka, Italian pasta, Polish zurek, Hungarian goulash (anyone have a good recipe for that?), Spanish tapas (and mushroom ice cream there too ... wow!), French cheese & wine, mmmmm.

It's kinda cool, and kinda sad that travel now consists of day trips to the beach, camping in the mountains, and long weekends in Seattle. Well, not truly sad, but I do miss dreaming of the next big trip knowing that it'll be a reality in the near future. But we did exchange all that for a whole new, amazing adventure (who's taking a nap at the moment). Maybe we'll get the Bean to Europe someday, who knows ... or South America :) Now that would be fun. Patagonia anyone?


  1. Maybe we can all get to Europe together...or Patagonia...that I would be up for! My brother and SIL have taken 2 of their 4 kids to Italy and France already and are in process of planning a trip to Italy and Spain for the fall with another family with 2 boys...and they are even doing it on a budget! It is possible just more work than before and not nearly the freedom but could still be loads of fun to do and plan!

  2. Sounds lovely. I can't imagine budgeting that in at this point in time. Maybe your SIL can blog about how she's doing that, it's amazing! (Although it's way cheaper to live in the midwest, right?) I was looking at the wwoof website the other day, at places we could trade a little work for room and board. I think that might be the only way we'll get our little family away in the foreseeable future. But I think travel is so important we're going to have to figure out a way to make it work!

  3. I'll ask her if she'll blog about it...I'd like to know too. I do know that part of all going together is that they rent a house that everyone can call home base and then take day trips...that saves quite a bit.
    We too think travel is quite important and are trying to figure out ways to make it work!

  4. Well then here's hoping we can be travel buddies in the future!
