"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

04 April 2010

Menu Plan Monday

We got a side of beef from Knee Deep last week, so we're celebrating with some Friday night steaks. Ergo the logo.

B: yogurt, granola, coffee
L: Moroccan Carrot soup leftovers
D: quiche, bread
Prep: make crust, granola, bread, start sprouting lentils

B: quiche leftovers
L: Moroccan Carrot soup leftovers
D: Coconut Chicken Soup, green apple salad

B: yogurt, granola, coffee
L: quiche leftovers
D: date night
Prep: start sprouting garbanzos, make honey cake for bible study, make rice

B: yogurt, granola, coffee
L: soup leftovers
D: Curried Lentils w/sausage & sauteed kale, cucumber raita
Prep: make apple sauce for book group

B: yogurt, granola, coffee
L: lentil leftovers
D: steak, potatoes, salad, bread, wine?
Prep: make hummus, start sprouting quinoa, soak oats for baked oatmeal

B: baked oatmeal, apple sauce, coffee
L: lentil leftovers
D: family potluck (don't know what we're bringing yet)

B: scramble, toast, coffee
L: tuna melt, carrots w/hummus
D: roast chicken, quinoa w/sauteed zucchini
Prep: make curry chicken salad w/leftover chicken

Check out more menus at Menu Plan Monday hosted by Orgjunkie.com


  1. Zeb made that coconut curry lentil soup last night that you've been having so much of - amazing! Thanks for convincing us to try it :)

  2. She molded on top. Died. Sad. Boo.
