"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

22 January 2010


What do you do when you find a visitor has left a schematic for a redesigned kitchen - your kitchen - on your kitchen table? Were they trying to be helpful? Do they think my kitchen is that awful? Did they mean to leave it as not-so-subtle hint that they think I need to remodel? Or was it just left by accident?

Isn't that weird? Who does that?


  1. That is hilarious (and yes, quite strange). Perhaps they just dream and doodle renovations to relax?

  2. Is this person an architect? Otherwise: straight up weird

  3. No, not an architect. Though I think she fancies herself a creative designer. If we ever do decide to redo the kitchen someday, at least I'll be prepared. Oh and, her design was full of those diagonal corner "appliance garage" things. I hate those. People who have those have too many appliances.
