"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
Stephen Covey

14 March 2010

Menu Plan Monday

B: yogurt & granola, coffee
L: leftover quinoa chicken salad
D: lentil loaf w/cucumber raita, veggies & hummus (I know it was on my menu last week, but it never actually happened.)
Prep: feed the mother, take pork kabobs out of freezer

Recipe Test Tuesday!
B: scrambled eggs, toast, coffee
L: lentil loaf leftovers
D: pork kabobs w/chard & mashed potatoes drizzled with reduced balsamic vinaigrette sauce
Prep: feed the mother, make quiche crust dough, make bread, start crock pot yogurt at 4pm

B: yogurt & granola, coffee
L: lentil loaf leftovers
D: quiche, toast
Prep: bake sourdough bagels, feed the mother

B: yogurt & granola, coffee
L: leftover quiche
D: date night!
Prep: feed the mother, start quinoa sprouts, make granola, soak nuts for lemon curd bars

B: yogurt & granola, coffee
L: leftover quiche
D: Una cena mexicana con amigos (tortilla soup or make-your-own tostada), lemon curd bars
Prep: feed the mother, soak oats for baked oatmeal

B: baked oatmeal with yogurt, slivered almonds, & pan-fried apples w/butter & cinnamon, coffee
L: leftovers from Mexican night
D: homemade pizza, salad
Prep: make sourdough crackers, make pizza crust, feed the mother

B: scrambled eggs, toast, coffee
L: tuna melt, veggies & hummus
D: quinoa curry chicken salad
Prep: feed the mother, write next week's meal plan

Check out other menus at Menu Plan Monday!


  1. 1) I love that you call it "the mother"

    2) I can totally relate to repeating items that did not actually happen according to plan.

    3) I really love that you put writing the next week's meal plan as a part of your meal plan. It's brilliant.

    4) I saw a weekly planner today and thought about how handy it would be to have the menu plan in the kitchen, rather than only on my computer. http://www.potterybarn.com/products/daily-system-white/popup/more-views.html#hero-image

  2. I love that you plan out every meal... Do you normally stick to it? I have had problems sticking to just my dinner plan lately, much less a plan for the other meals!

  3. Marianne - I mostly call it the mother for the sake of my brother, who apparently laughs every time he reads it :). And I've tried to post my meal plan on the fridge, but it inevitably changes, and (this is weird, I know) it bothers me when it's not written right on the front of the fridge and I get tired of drawing arrows and crossing things out. If it's on my computer, I don't mind so much, though if you pay close attention things change on my menu throughout the week because it bothers me there still too ... Weird, I know.

    Trippy Momma - Thanks for visiting! I rarely see a week through using the exact menu I've written at the beginning of the week. Breakfast are always the same M-F as we rush out the door. Lunches are generally as I've written them. But, sometimes dinner change as there are more leftovers than I thought, or the food budget's running low and I substitute a cheap meal for a more expensive one, or I'm just not in the mood for what I've put on the menu so I change it. I figure if I stick to my menu at least 75%, then I've done a good job. How about you?

  4. Oh, I'd love to know if you like the lentil loaf!

  5. I forgot to answer you - I don't know about sprouted lentils, I've soaked them and just cooked them a little less, but I've never actually sprouted the lentils. Marianne would know of course!

  6. I was just reading and smiling to myself that it got shortened to "the mother." Then I read your comment and laughed again.

  7. Sarah-We liked it ok. I'm glad we had cucumber raita to top it off. I'll definitely make it again, but I think I'll trying cooking the lentils in chicken broth (is that what you do?), adding some onion, maybe some more garlic? Any other ideas for a flavor boost or was mine just more bland that yours? But definitely thanks for sharing the recipe. Did you see the coconut lentil soup at 101Cookbooks? That's going to be my next lentil venture!

    Jay-Always glad to make you laugh :) We're looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks!
