Thoughts on my second pregnancy ...
1. It's WAY better to NOT be surprised by that second blue line. Makes for a much less emotional first trimester. I can focus most of my energy on managing my tired body rather than my going-crazy mind.
2. 1st trimester yuckiness is much better managed by real food, including lots of raw milk, instead of lots of packaged food simply because it's quick and easy to cook. I definitely feel better this time around.
3. But, that could also be because NOT working is WAY better than working during pregnancy. Not that I'm not working. I'm taking care of the Bean every day and usually subbing one day/week as well. But still, naps are important. Very important. And now I get one almost every day.
4. Like all one-kid moms say, I can't imagine loving another child as much as I love Riley, but I'm so excited to meet him or her (hopefully there's just one). If they're half as interesting as the one dancing down the hall with toilet paper right now, I'll be a crazy lucky mama.
5. I feel like there's something about the second that's going to transport me into a whole other level of being a mom. It's still pretty easy to balance being a mom of one pretty easy kidlet with other things I enjoy. I still get predictable breaks during the day. I'm not outnumbered. But with another one, I think parenthood will feel like a bigger, more consuming part of my life. I will be MOTHER. Ryan will leave to teach in September and I'll be at home all day with a 6 week old and 2 year old. And that kind of mothering I am unprepared for, and honestly a bit frightened by.